Hailing a ride from an Uber or Lyft driver is similar to riding as a passenger in a friend or family member’s vehicle. There are certain things you won’t want to do that could impact the driver’s ability to operate the vehicle safely and we are sharing some of these things with you in this blog post.
- According to Esurance, you don’t want to be a backseat driver. While we all have our own preferences when it comes to driving, and when it comes to which route we believe is the quickest, it is best you that you just sit back and let the driver do their job. Now, of course, if you find that the driver is traveling too fast and it makes you feel a little uneasy, don’t be afraid to let them know.
- You don’t want to be disrespectful to the driver or otherwise distract the driver. While many try and multitask while sitting in the backseat of an Uber, remember, when you are making phone calls and responding to the constant “dinging” sound that your cell phone makes each time you receive a text or email, these things may be distracting to the driver. And if you weren’t aware, distractions contribute to many of the auto accidents that occur today.
- Although individuals are always encouraged to hail a ride from the Uber or Lyft app after consuming any amounts of alcohol, remember, you still need to be respectful of the driver and their vehicle. You won’t want to be loud or otherwise distract the driver from doing his job in the safest manner possible. Also, in the event you get sick in the car from drinking too much, you could be charged a cleaning fee.
And always remember to wear your seatbelt.
The next time you request a ride with a rideshare company, keep these tips in mind. However, if you were involved in a car accident while riding as a passenger in a rideshare vehicle in or nearby to Jackson, MS, it is important you become aware of how to file a claim for the injuries you sustained. How can you do this? By contacting a Jackson, MS personal injury attorney at Ballard Law, PLLC. Our office can explain what your rights are and the steps you will need to take to recover the compensation you deserve. And remember do not wait to contact an injury lawyer. The sooner you contact a Jackson, Mississippi Personal Injury lawyer after an accident the better. Contact us today to learn more.
You can reach Ballard Law, PLLC. at:
108 S. President Street
Jackson, MS 39201